I've had a pretty hard time this semester thus far, but the journey has been all that less tough because I have friends who have lent me their support and given me their love in times when I've really needed it. I may not actually see my friends 24/7 because we've all been busy with our own things but when I needed I was at my lowest, God has sent them my way to show me that it's not that bad.
So, I guess this entry is about how blessed I've been and to say thank you to the people who have given me the motivation to pick myself up when I fall down.
My heartfelt thanks to (in no particular order):
1) Waiying because eventhough she's busy with assignments, she took time out to cheer me up in the middle of the night and following that,
2) Chuan who offered to come over and fix my lightbulb and did it the very same day and drove me to watch a movie.
3) Eric because eventhough he took the longest time to fix my lightbulb, he redeemed himself by fixing the second bulb that blew and washing my car for me today despite the freezing weather!
4) Janice because her sweet smile and hugs always makes me feel loved and for her 'pedantic' cleaning of my car's interior
5) Yong for lending a shoulder to cry despite the late hour and the fact that he had his own problems to deal with
6) Noel for caring enough to ask if I'm ok
7) Cynthia for cracking me up and making me go out so I don't turn into a total hermit and for the lovely food (And also for nagging me to eat properly)
8) Yvie for her all good advice and support, and for calling me for coffees or little breaks constantly (and for the constant concern about my sleeplessness)
9) Estee my best friend who is half the world away but still encourages me to be strong and leave everything to GOD
10) Sami who once I start talking to, I can't stop. Just hearing him say 'hellooooo' is enough to put a smile on my face. Also because he's been so nice about my tardiness in producing my part of the assignment
11) My coursemates who just make me feel that I belong
12) Amelia who is the sweetest girl ever and I'm so glad that I have an 'older sister' like her in my life
13) Joanne Khoo who askes me if I am ok after reading my blog
14) Ann who always compliments me eventhough I don't always think that the compliments are justified and who always has such a warm hug for me
15) Nina who tries so hard to be a good friend to me and always has words of encouragement (and Sarah and Siew too)
16) Fern for msn-ing me every once in awhile
17) Corn for all the pretty frequent phone calls he makes which goes on for hours and often consists of me ranting and bitching
And all the other people who have made an impression in my life and touched my heart. If I don't say thank you or seem to acknowledge, it doesn't mean I don't appreciate your kindness because I do deeply.