[[*A loveless world is a dead world, and always there comes an hour when one is weary of prisons, of one's work, and of devotion to duty, and all one craves for is a loved face; the warmth and wonder of a loving heart*]]
- "The Plague" by Albert Camus
Navigation: I won't insult your intelligence with directions
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Monday, May 08, 2006
i come to your town like thirsty lips to a cup i come to your town and i wanna call you up i don't know how i feel but i hope you feel the same i've broken every speed limit in your name sometimes i just wanna bury my head in a hole tell me do you have the kind of touch that can console i wanna hold my hands over my eyes during the scary scenes will you stay with me at night and stand guard over my dreams will you stand guard over my dreams you feel like you're out on a long limb like you've risked it all but i'll go out there with you and when the bough breaks the cradle will just fall i'd rather go down knowing what it was like than to keep myself company one more night one more night and i've got something new something i didn't have before you were a big dark room a room without a door if you will shelter me i will fill your vacancy we don't even need the walls, the ceiling, or the floor and i've got something for you too something you probably don't need you can buy it for the pictures, baby find out its a real good read i just hope you still want it cause i'm bringing it to you i'm gonna come to your town i'm gonna call you up then i don't know what i'm gonna do you feel like you're out on a long limb like you've risked it all and if the bough breaks the cradle will just fall i'd rather go down knowing what it was like than to keep myself company one more night one more night i come to your town like thirsty lips to a cup i come to your town and i'm gonna call you up i don't know how you feel but i hope you feel the same i've broken every speed limit in your name and sometimes i just wanna bury my head in a hole tell me do you have the kind of touch that can console i wanna hold my hands over my eyes during the scary scenes tell me will you stay with me at night and stand guard over my dreams will you stand guard over my dreams will you stand guard over my dreams.... -"One More Night" (Ani DeFranco) In the midst of a dream, my subconscious mind made me reach out for you. Only when I wake up in the cold once again, do I realise that you left a long time ago.
Codes were taken from all over the internet and if you think you see a code that's yours, let me know and I'll add your name to this list of credits.
{{ Uber bitch, Tres Lala, Super Gossip, Shopping Queen, Amateur Cook, Manja Princess, Maria Extraordinaire, Imelda Marcos Contender, Ahmad Beginner, Psuedo-Oriental, Sugarbaby Wannabe...