The World Is Shrinking...
Or rather, this whole 6 degrees of separation thing is getting freaky. I went for a friend's birthday dinner treat this evening and although I've met her boyfriend before, never realised that he is the older brother of an acquaintance, P. I met up with R and her boyfriend, M, before heading to the dinner venue and we were waiting for another guy, J. Now, J's name is unusual for a boy, and so I wondered if it was the same person. Lo and behold, it was! Now, J is someone I went to high school with and he is friends with B, who is a friend of mine and the childhood friend of my really good girlfriend, J.
To add more confusion to the mix, R's boyfriend's, M's, younger brother, P, is going out with C, who is friends with another friend of mine, N. And I met knew N because her sister, also N, was my senior in high school. To make things more interesting, J, B, P and M all know my best friend, E, because she was going out with their good friend, D, for awhile.
And now I know why Friendster, WAYN, Facebook and all those similar websites are so popular. The world is shrinking. You can run but you can't hide. Everywhere you go, you'd meet someone who knows someone else you know. Eeps.