Daylight savings has ended and we've now lost an hour.
It is Day Four of my sleepless nights. I just got back from Eduardo's 30th birthday party. I have to say, Brazillians really do know how to party. I had so much fun talking with friends and making new ones as well. They're really affectionate as well. Saying 'bye' to everyone meant having to kiss everyone goodbye. And I got a lot of big hugs. This guy who I didn't even talk to wouldn't even let me leave unless I gave him a kiss goodbye as well. Apparently, that's just Brazillian custom. You have to kiss everyone. Hmmm....
I enjoyed drinking with friends both old and new; had girly talks with my "big sister", Claudia, Candida and Rita. I think one of my highlights was actually seeing Candida with Steph together for the first time. Their happiness just makes me wanna burst with happiness.
It's also been an ego boost. Claudia was scolding me about my self-esteem issues and even got a Brazillian male friend of hers to judge me on a scale of 1 to 10. Apparently, I'm 8/10 (9.5/10 if I take my coat off). Claudia was judged 6.5/10 which pissed her off. Oops. I also got rated 12/10 by Candida and Claudia. Claudia was also telling me that her boyfriend said that if he wasn't with Claudia and so in love with her, and he had to choose an Asian girl, he would have picked me. Awww...So, I'm thinking, maybe I should move to Brazil. haha. I've also realised that when you're really not looking, the offers start pouring in. One of Claudia's Brazillian friends was hitting on me all night. Although he's a nice guy and I enjoyed talking to him, I just did not feel the chemistry. But brownie points to him for trying.
And so it was another late night for me. It's now 4a.m and I still waiting for my hair to dry. Bleh.