BETH'S ENGAGEMENTBeth's engagement was a blast. There was a lot of champagne and heaps of good company. I actually got to hang out with the people from work properly. Normally, I can't do that because at work, there's that invisible line between managers and staff. Having worked at all three CBD stores, I know my fair share of work people and managers. I'm just glad that my manager's engagement gave me time to bond with some really wonderful people and to also show them the real me, and not the perception they have of me based on how I look. :)
Darling Tash and I at my place - getting ready after a full day at work!

Darling Tash (cuddling Lutik) with Sweetie Ralphie... My fellow PPTs at Swanny!

Beth - My Manager whose big night it was tonight!!!! CONGRATULATIONS, HONEY!!!!
And this is my DEAREST, DARLING SWEETHEART, GARTH - the whole reason I'm with JeansWest. Love ya, hun!
Emma, Me and Lydia - Managers at Bourke and Melbourne Central.
The abundance of champagne made me really friendly - a good and bad thing - but it also made me very honest. Now that the champagne haze has gone, I've started to wonder if maybe rather than helping things, I may have actually done something wrong by being honest. I don't do things to deliberately hurt people but sometimes, I wonder if honesty is worth the hurt.
I know I bared my heart tonight. I just don't know if it was the right move to make. Because I've put myself in a position that is extremely vulnerable.