In continuation of the previous blog...
There's a fine line between love and infatuation. While in the throes of infatuation, one can certainly not be faulted for mistaking it for love but eventually, you realise that what you feel is nothing more than a crush or passing fancy, despite the intense feelings and emotions involved.
I've had more than my fair share of crushes (and failed attempts at relationships) and I can say, they are just as painful as the real deal. Some may even say that unrequited love is a worser deal, especially if you follow the saying "It's better to have loved than not at all".
For the longest time, I've always considered the first guy I went out with as my first love, despite the fact that the relationship (if you could call it that) was short-lived and a clear, textbook case of "puppy love". Despite the bad end to our "relationship" - I spent years hating his guts - I eventually forgave him and I had a soft spot for him in my heart all these years.
Then, years after that disaster, I met someone. Our relationship wasn't quite the typical thing either but let's just say, this felt alot more like the real deal!
I can't say I have alot of experience with BGR but I honestly feel in my heart that this one was
THE ONE: my first (real) love. Sadly, he was also the one that got away but not without ruining it for me for every other guy. He is the guy who I use as my benchmark to which I compare any guys I meet and tragically, every one of them has fallen short. It's not that this guy is the perfect man but he was the perfect one for me.
I'm not going to lie: relationships scare me. I'm very insecure and I think I subconsciously sabotage any potential relationships I have because I'm scared that one day the guy will leave me, and I won't be able to handle it. Ironic really, because I get my fair share of heartbreak from unrequited love. But this guy, he made me feel like even if everything else was telling me to not risk it, I should go ahead anyway. Why? Because I believed in him. I really did. When I was with him, I felt safe. He made my heart beat faster but yet helped to keep me calm at the same time.
I never had that coveted number one spot in his heart even when we were together. Long before me, there was that someone who touched his heart and will forever be remembered as perfect. She was his best friend and his first love. But I had the second spot and it was the next best thing.
Two years has passed since we ended it and I honestly think he forgot about me a long time ago. But I still think about him constantly. He comes up in my conversations frequently. I still love him. And the truth is, I'd always love him. He was the one that truly touched my heart. I'm not madly in love with him anymore but he will always have that place in my heart.
On that note though, I'm still incorrigible. I still have crushes. But at least, I know it's just a crush and I let it flow its course without doing anything stupid about it. We all have to do something to pass the time.. but seriously, Thank God for learning from past mistakes.