Friday, 7th July (Lucky double seven) has been a really memorable day.
It's the day I got my results. I cleared all my subjects, did good in some (although I think I should have done better) and I'm officially done with my first semester of my Masters program. I busted my ass the whole semester and in the words of the wise, (A good friend who has requested his/her name witheld) I should just learn to say "thank you" when told that it was a job well done. It's all good. Especially since the bastard who fucked me and my groupmates over for an assignment, got his just desserts. He had the cheek to call me and ask if we had added his name to the assignment because he had "no idea how he managed to fail the exam". Well, duh! You didn't even bother to do the assignment, I can only guess at the effort he put into his exam revision. It's Melbourne University and it's the Masters' Program. Dude, you may have done the subject before, but that was in India. It's a whole different ball game now. So you see, it pays to be nice.
Karma will bite you in the ass if you're not careful.
To reward myself, I bought myself two new Korean series from this new store that opened up in the city. Man, it's awesome! The best part:
But I'd have to say, the highlight was watching Russell Peters Live @ Comedy Theatre. We had the best seats ever!
Front Row right in front of the mike. I laughed my ass off for two hours although some of the jokes were downright nasty, especially those from the opening act, Yoshi. And now,
Eric...You're FAMOUS!!!!!!!!!!! Ahaha.
We ended up the evening with drinks at Bambu. Eric's friends were lovely. Although they wouldn't get to read this: Stu, Shreddie and Bernard, it was a pleasure meeting you guys. :)
Currently, it's four in the morning and I have to pick my friend up in two hours to send her to the airport.
Zita, you owe me big...
And now, I need to go drink four litres of water to flush the alcohol out and maybe a redbull to keep awake...I need to rest, man. I'm never gonna get well soon at this rate, and I've made a promise to start going to the gym with Eric. Healthy living, here I come...*SIGH*