I almost killed myself today. I woke up this morning to the terrible stench of something burning. To my horror, I could see smoke billowing from the pillow I slept on. Upon further inspection, my pillow had bumped against my bedside lamp and the bulb had burnt the lamp shade and my pillow as well. Being a latex pillow, the burnt smell was horrific; the chemical smell left me choking and coughing eventhough I was breathing through my mouth.
The whole apartment stank of the arid smell and despite the liberal use of Febreeze and carpet deodorizer; turning the fan on at full blast and opening all the windows. The smell has a nauseating lingering scent that seeps into every surface. I foresee alot of laundry to be done in my near future. :SIGH:
My carelessness has caused me and my brother a hell lot of inconvenience.