You've changed...
I suppose it's survival instinct. You do what you have to do to protect the ones you love; the difference is, I have fallen in the hierarchy of those who matter to you. I can't say that I'm surprised or that I didn't expect it but it does break my heart to know that one can be so blinded when caught up in a self-centered world of their own.
I think rationality is worth nothing when you choose to believe otherwise about me. There is no reasoning or talking to you if you have chosen to perceive me in a certain pre-cast mold. I have done my best to make life happy for you: all the little things I do to make life all that better for you; that you have not noticed or have simply taken it to be expected. I never did anything out of an expectation of something in return; I did all of it for love, unconditional love.
Strangely, you, who I have hoped that I could count on for unconditional love, is the person who has shown me otherwise. Because of late, nothing I do can please you. Every word, every action to you: they seem as if I am attacking you. But you don't understand. You don't understand that I've tried again and again, to bring my point across to you, only to have them fall on deaf ears. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I've had to resort to drastic (if unpleasant) methods to show you how unhappy I am. BUT, that doesn't matter to you, anymore.
Every time you say these things in anger: every word cuts into my heart like a knife. Long after the hateful memory fades, the scar still lingers. And I wonder, just how much more I can take before I have to give up.