I have been struggling to fill my time since exams ended. Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate the leisure time, I just can't sit still for the life of me. So Sunday night, I was bored and decided to start cooking.
One sleepless night ended in this...
I made (from top; left to right) Nashi Pear Sweet Soup, Bread and Butter Pudding, Mississippi Mud Bear Cake, Beef straganoff, Chicken-flavoured rice, Chicken Meatball Stew, Black Pepper Beef Pie, Chicken Chinese Dumplings, Herbal Chicken and, Pumpkin, Pinenuts and Mushroom Risotto.
Here's the lucky person who got all the food. Sandeep got greedy and polished off one of the bread and butter puddings and decided to try the meatball stew before he got home.
And here's one of Sandeep's talents...Taking self-portraits. OMG...my face is massive. Eeks.
I hung out at Sandeep's for awhile taking in the sun. He's got a massive backyard. Hmmm... But then he still had to study, so I went home. I needed to start cooking for my dinner with Sami, anyway. Sami decided to come visit "His" couch because he was convinced I wasn't treating it right...
On my way back driving on Sydney Road, I saw three accidents. It caused a bit of traffic jam so I didn't really have much time to cook. Thank God Sami is serially late. Anyway, I made him Hainanese Chicken Rice. Don't you love the faux-Japanese place setting though?
And here's me and Sami testing the self-timer on my camera. It took me ages to figure out. I know, I'm an idiot.
Anyway, Sami and I had an awesome night. We watched some tv, walked around the city and saw the Wombat Divine display at Myer's. Then, we went back home, vegetated on "our" couch and watched Sex & the City till 1.30a.m. It was really good. At some point, I got so comfy that I fell asleep on Sami for awhile. Haha.
And I'm so proud of myself. I drove Sami home without getting lost. So there, Sami! *sticks tongue out*