Someone was really concerned about my lack of eating habits and gave me a diet that is hospital-recommended. It requires you to follow a strict diet for three days and eat normally for 4 days. It, of course, recommends that you do not overdo it on the other four days but as this person remarked, that shouldn't be a problem considering the diet has more food than what I normally eat. Still, if followed properly, you stand to lose 10lbs in one week.
Today marks my first day...
So far so good, I don't feel hungry from the lack of carbs or eating three small meals instead of six small meals. But I did also realize that I will never be a true blue Aussie: I hate Beetroot. The diet requires you to eat 1 cup of Beetroot for dinner on the first day. I did it with much disgust and choking it down with heaps of Coke Zero. But it made the ice-cream and apples all the more enjoyable.
Did I mention that the diet allows unlimited amounts of diet cola? I'm loving it since I'm such a big fan of Coke Zero. But I can also say the caffeine is making me bounce off the walls.