This is the way you make me feel; stuck in a box that I'm desperate to free myself from.
I don't know if I did anything to offend you because honestly, I don't think I have. How could I? We hardly see each other anymore. And when I do try to see you more, I feel shut out. With no explanation.
The thing is, I don't know how to comfort you. I don't know how to communicate with you. I don't know what I can do to make things better. I tried once. I shared with you in an email about how I wanted to fight for our friendship; how I wanted an honest relationship.
I don't know if it's just your nature; if it's unintentional or if somehow, I managed to alienate you but I don't know how to get through to you anymore. You just shut me out. And Lord, I do try. I try to make things right. I try to be a good friend. Really I do. But somehow, I guess it was not enough for you or it just was not what you are looking for.
And I'm sad. That we've reached a stage where you can't talk to me when things aren't right between us. That everything has to be inferred or read between the lines. Because I always thought our friendship was worth so much more.
Lately, I've tried to keep things light, paste a smile on my face to hide the desperation behind a veil of happiness. But the truth is, my world is falling apart slowly: uni, work and personal problems - I juggle them the best I can - while at the same time, trying to fix that hole in our friendship that is growing bigger.
How is it that things just get worse instead of better? I managed to solve the problems I had with another friend but I can't solve the ones I have with my dearer friend.
Maybe I was harsh to say you do not have a part of my heart because I think at the end of the day, you always will. But it's the God-honest truth that I no longer know how to reach out to you because nothing I do seems to be enough or right for you.
So, here's what I'm saying in plain english: I can't deal with the emotional roulette I go through when it concerns you. And I've tried to the point of where I think I've become annoying. So I'm just going to take a step back and let you get back to me when you're sorted out. If you want to get back to me.