Growing up, we've all heard that constant refrain from our parents that "the home is not a hotel; you do not come and go as you please" or the alternative silent black looks you get from your parents when you bring your friends home, without notice and with alarming regularity. I used to find my parents annoying and naggy, and often I would wish they understood me better or had more tolerance.
When I was left to my own devices, there was that initial temptation and joy of not having anyone tell what to do or impose obligations on me. But I realised the value of having parental discipline to shape the person I've become. There are some rules we never understood or resented while we were young but on hindsight, we often understand why such rules exist. Many of us may not realize it but parental guidance is a blessing not all of us have.
The home is a private sancuary. It is the place you return to for solitude, relaxation and generally, enjoy your personal space. It is the place you do not expect to be disturbed unless you wish to be. It is a place where you set the rules and regulations. It is the place you want minimal disruptions. It is the place you do not wish to be inconvenienced in.
I, now, stand on the other side and see the reasoning behind my parents' constant nagging. I can now empathize with the feeling - well, maybe not exactly in the same way but the same sentiments are there.