Man is selfish. This is a fact that we cannot dispute. At the end of the day, it always boils down to these questions:
What about me? What do I gain from this?
Give me more. Gimme, Gimme, Gimme.
This is what human nature is essentially made of. We cannot deny it. It's the survival instinct.
So beyond our own selfisness, there is the selfishness of others to consider.
You can hope for something and want something. But unless you are of some worth to the person, you're not likely going to get it from someone. It's all about the hierarchy: How high up on the order do you feature? Enough to warrant the person pandering to your whims and fancies?
I can whine all I want. Complain and feel hurt inside. But in the end, what I say will fall on your deaf ears because I'm so far down on your hierarchy that my existence barely features in your life.
This is my distopia.