Everyday I struggle. I struggle to find my place in the world...And the hardest part for me has always been learning to discern whether I'm welcome or not. Sometimes, I can be a little pushy but it's only because I mean well. True, I'm an open book whose emotions are clearly on show but if you read between the lines, you'll see: the insecurities that leave me feeling anxious and unsure.
I worry that I won't know when someone is talking about me. I can't take hints. I need people to tell me things directly. That's just how I am, incapable of picking up on the subtle hints or nuances of those around me.
I want to stop worrying if people like me or not or worry about whether I have subconsciously offended someone. Why can't people just say what they mean or hold in their hearts? I do my best not to be a liability to others or a unwanted burden that they have to carry, because they're too nice to tell me to get lost.
I just want to be happy. The way I am. But it's so hard.