In For Better or Worse, Lynn Johnston wrote that "the most profound statements are often said in Silence"I'm tired of explaining myself because my defence falls on deaf ears. People hear what they want to hear and it is hard to change the mind of others when they decide to believe what they have concluded. The thought strikes me: That in pointing out the mistakes of others, we fail to see the hypocrisy of our own statements. It's so easy to judge others on their mistakes but all that more harder to see your own. A lie no matter how big or small, is still a lie. Saying that your own action is different because it is of a lesser magnititude, does not make it any less wrong. It merely allows you to superficially assuage your guilt when you point fingers. I remember reading somewhere that when you blame others, one tends to forget that the word "blame" ends in the word "me". Just as when you put the 'D' in front of 'Anger', it becomes 'Danger'.
A good friend, Waiying, told me that "we are not friends with people because they are easy to be friends with", we just are friends with them. Friendships take effort and sometimes friends hit a rough patch; What happened between me and him, it's a personal matter that is meant to be settled between me and him. No one else needs to take sides or add their two cents' worth. I'm old enough to settle any problems I have with this friend of mine, on my own. But you couldn't give me the credit to have the maturity to deal with things in my own way. Instead, you were quick with the scathing words, scolding me in the manner of a parent who is reprimanding a young child. And that made me very angry. But even more than the anger, there was a sadness that you didn't think I would be able to deal with it the right way. Do you think that lowly of me?
And you know, I may not be perfect and I may not always do things right but I do what I believe is the right thing. The bottomline is: I TRY.
Mahatma Gandhi once said, "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the Strong."I could point all the times you have been quick to judge me based on what little you know of me. I could lament the many times you have managed to tear me down and break my spirit. I could keep score of all the heartbreaks you have caused me. But I choose to take the high road and say, "I forgive you". Maybe you don't know me as well as you think you do. Maybe you always 'have alot on your mind' when you say these things to me...but how long do you think you can hide behind the same excuse? Don't take your anger out on me because I cannot be who you expect me to be. And don't compare me to others; Six billion people in the world and we're all created unique. If we were to start changing to fit a certain model, we'd be better of being clones.
"Tis the most tender part of love, each other to forgive." -John SheffieldI don't think you are perfect. I think you are far from it. But I don't judge you on your flaws and I don't love you any less because of them. I love you despite them. Can you do the same for me? Because what you are doing may be well-intentioned but you make it hard for me to continue loving you. There is so much pain that I can take, and never being able to measure up to your standards is a hard pill to swallow.
I watched the walls around me crumble But its not like I won't build them up again So here's your last chance for redemption So take it while it lasts 'cause it will end And my tears are turning into time I've wasted