Congratulations to the people who are reading this 'virgin' post of mine. Well, technically, I had another blogspot blog but it's since been abandoned. Then, I started another blog on another site. But I got tired of being maligned, insulted, etc from random idiots. So, I moved.
If you are reading this, well, it means you mattered enough for me to tell you about the move. Do you feel special? Tee hee hee. No, seriously, if you are reading this (because I told you about this site), it means you mean something to me....Welcome to the
'Dawn's Darlings' CLUB.
Firstly, must thank my little cousin,
Verena, for helping me get this started and of course,
Nina, who I run to for IT help (which is actually very often as I am a computer idiot...)
Right now, I'm seriously sick. I've been sick since Nov 23rd, which is extremely shitty. It didn't help that I've been travelling. The change in weather is killing me. Gold Coast to Singapore to Shanghai and back to singapore again... So now I'm coughing like mad and I sound like a frog. Plus, my lips are so cracked and chapped. So attractive...NOT!
Anyway, will blog more about my trip when I'm better. I need to get some rest. Taking
Cyn and
Kim out today took what remaining life there is of me away...