I was disappointed awhile back. Depressed even. Wondering if who I thought were my friends, are really there for the ride till the end or just for the fun. Nobody likes to find out that their friendship with someone has been based on advantages sought or convenience.
I would have thought that after years of friendship, you would treat me better. How wrong I was. I've been nothing more than someone to use and manipulate. After so long, your shabby treatment of me is just disgraceful. I don't deserve to be treated that way. Friendship is maintained over the years through care and concern and love. Years don't build a friendship. It's what you do that build it.
I was angry and disappointed, hurt even. Now, I've decided that it's not worth it. So to you, my 'friend', if I can even call you that: I call it quits. As of today, we are NO LONGER friends. I've erased your number and your MSN contact.
Don't bother contacting me. I don't need friends like you. I may not have many friends but I can do without the ones who are only in it for the perks.
In very blunt terms,
Maybe if you change your attitude, we'll talk again some day. Till then, you no longer exist in my world.