So today, my mum got the chauffeur to take me out with her car to practice my driving. Unfortunately for me, not long into my practice session, I got into a car accident. Basically, I was trying to over take this car which was stopped by the side of a two-way street, and there was oncoming traffic. Needless to say, I was a little too close to the car and I basically smashed his side view mirror. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In any case, my chauffeur, was really cool. He got the guy to settle it between ourselves. So I have to fork out $120 to pay for damages to the guy's car and $187 to pay for the damages to my mum's sideview mirror. (I'm pretty sure the guy is out to con me out of extra money as he knows I was driving a Beemer and he knows I live in a good area.) It's been an expensive day.... :( But at least, my parents don't know about it. *PHEW* If they did, I would never be allowed to drive again. EVER.
I was pretty freaked. I know everyone gets into accidents eventually. But it kinda freaked me out. Driving back home is so different from driving back in OZ. *SIGH* I honestly hope that my parents will never find out and that I won't get into any more accidents.
Although, THANK THE GOOD LORD, no one was injured.
Results come out tomorrow. *scared stiff*